I believe that the two most powerful factors in therapeutic change are hope and our imagination. Often we use our minds to imagine the worst case scenario. In therapy I often encourage my clients to imagine they were watching themselves on a You-Tube video. In this video they are watching themselves living their life without the problem they are currently experiencing. I ask them to describe what they see themselves doing and what daily life looks like without the problem. What do they notice? By imagining and describing what they see often a description emerges of a preferred future.
My approach as a therapist is guided by the underlying assumption that the way we think about ourselves and our circumstances greatly impacts upon our feelings and subsequently our actions. Therapy is an opportunity to explore our patterns of thinking about ourselves and our lives. Most of the time we don’t think about what we are thinking about! Once we begin to notice our thoughts we are then in a better position to begin to change them. Through discussion in sessions and experiments in everyday life we will begin to see whether changing the way you think could change your life!
I am an integrative Psychotherapist which means I integrate a number of therapeutic approaches which both reflect my personal values and which I have found to be most useful when working with a range of emotional issues. I mostly work using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and/or Solution Focussed Therapy underpinned by a person centred approach. Where evidence and research (such as N.I.C.E. Guidelines*) indicates that certain therapeutic approaches are most helpful with a particular issue my approach will reflect this.
*National Institute for Clinical Excellence
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